I've been trying to post on Debs and Vicky's blogs, but every time I go to upload, it says error. Vicky - well done on your run - please take it steady and not get carried away, but really pleased you had the energy to get out. Debs, take it easy getting back into your running - you had a very heavy year last year and you're probably still a bit fatigued.
Murray is getting even busier. He is climbing now and I keep finding him a top of things he should not be on - like his music table rattling the fire guard or the window sill (we have an old stone house, so the window sills are very deep. The worst one is when he dive bombs from the easy chair, over a gap and onto the sofa!!!!! Needless to say, trying to get anything done is pretty tricky! He does really like books now, but only when he wants to read (ie - when we go to the library, that as far as he is concerned, is NOT the time to read, but to crawl under all the furniture!) I have to admit to being pretty flipping knackered out by him. I asked my mum what I was like at his age and she looked at me with a knowing look and said: "relentless, Karen. You never stopped. I couldn't even get you to stop to eat." I then asked if she was tired to which she replied: "exhausted, I remember looking at the clock more than once and thinking, how long is it to bed time!" Ha ha! Oh well, looks like I've only got myself to blame. I read somewhere the other day that toddlers get a burst of energy between 2 and 3 and I nearly flipping cried - how much busier can he get!!!!!!
Anyway, he is just gorgeous and he's learning all manner of new skills. We've been learning to use a fork and he's really getting the hang of it. The other video is of him on his phone. With both that phone and his pretend mobile, he chatters down into it in this voice that he only uses for the phone - hilarious! Totally adore him!
Chomp, Chomp, Chomp!
Gabble, Gabble, Gabble!