Thursday, August 23, 2012

A Rough Week 30; Here's to a Better Week 31.

Week 30 was a bit rough to say the least. I ended up with some sort of tummy bug/troubles. The tummy troubles caused dreadful cramping that started on Sunday, were awful on Monday, improved somewhat on Tuesday but came back full force on Wed, so Thursday found me at PRI on the monitor where they could see that the stomach cramping was causing some contractions albeit short lived. They explained that they needed the cramping to stop so it didn't set things off properly so was on strict take it easy mode and to phone if they didn't calm down. Back up over the weekend as hadn't stopped, but finally by Monday things had calmed down and was given the all clear that I wasn't going to go into pre term labour. PHEW! I am not ready to meet this baby!

30 Weeks with Murray

31 Weeks With Babba #2

OMG! There literally is a ball stuck in my tum!

When I first saw the photo this time I thought - B hell I'm way bigger than last time, but actually I'm a week further on and so yes a little bigger, but I think it is my stupid belly button that makes the difference - it sticks out sooo much! I am so low this time though and that does make things look a little different and boy oh boy does it make things feel different. My BACK has had enough! What a difference to last time. I ran until 34 weeks with Murray and now I can barely walk up to the village shop without being in a tonne of pain. Ah well, it was to be expected. I am really hoping to get back in the pool this weekend as I have really missed it this past week. I LOVE being so weightless and being able to feel like I still have some semblence of athelticism!

1 comment:

  1. You look fabulous with your perfect little bump.
