Monday, July 9, 2012

24 weeks + 6 Years Married

24 weeks

I now have a viable babba in my tum!

My 24 midwife appointment was really nice as it was the midwife that looked after Murray and me a lot in those early days. I asked her about the breathlessness, so she took my bloods and my iron had gone down a bit. She said they wouldn't normally prescribe iron at that level, but it is borderline, so if I still felt breathless in a week, the doctors would prescribe iron for me, not problem.

It was lovely to  hear the heart beat and she said she could so easily feel all the baby in there. I was measuring 24cms, so bang on date - so just like last time, it looks like a good sized babba! I really need to do a 24 week photo for comparison, but Al is out tonight so it'll have to wait until tomorrow.


I was exhausted after Murray's birthday party - not aided by this breathlessness at night that is playing havoc with my sleep, and having a dose of Murray's cold, so the only exercise I could face on Tues was 30 mins pilates which did feel good.

Wed and Thursday were early starts -
Wed for a swim (110 lengths) and 
Thursday for the gym (~4miles + 10 mins conditioning). Boy that gym workout was tough - treacle springs to mind.
Friday I got for a swim at mum's gym. I was so shattered, but I forced myself in after a cheeky wee bottle of coke as I knew it would be my last chance to get a swim at mum's gym for a while as she had been given a date for her knee op. I didn't think I was going to make the 110 lengths but I did.

I had planned to do something on Sunday, but it just didn't happen. I hadn't slept well for nights and not been able to get a nap in the day for various reasons, and as the only chance for me to get out would be pm, by that time, my stomach was rock hard and killing me, so it was put to one side for the day.

Total = 15 miles + 30 mins pilates + 10 mins conditioning.

6 Years Married

It was our anniversary on Saturday. We've been married 6 years. Not sure where that time has gone, but the past 2 have definitely flown in! Neither of us we're too raring to do too much this year - partly as we weren't sure if mum would be in or out of hospital, but we did end up going out for a nice meal in the evening, which was good to do. The nicest thing was, as Al was out running first thing, I came down to a huge bouquet of flowers and a couple of photos of our special day 6 years ago.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on your anniversary. lovely photo :-)
